Something I’m often asked here at Jetts, Ballina, is ‘what is the difference in the training options you offer?’
For the sake of simplicity, today we’re going to look at 3 distinct categories (knowing they each have some overlapping traits!).
1. Strength and Conditioning (S&C) - is the application of sports science physiology, principles, and theory, to practical training.
In general S&C aims to improve the physical qualities required for your sports performance – whether that be strength, speed, stamina, power, or agility.
Additionally, S&C has a focus on reducing the likelihood of injury occurring during sport (which has some overlap with rehabilitation!).
S&C coaches are governed by their peak body in Australia – The Australian Strength and Conditioning Association (ASCA)
2. Rehabilitation (Rehab) – is the process of reducing pain and dysfunction associated with physical activity or injury.
For example, you have just sprained your ankle playing netball and it’s developed bruising and swelling. You would seek a rehabilitation appointment (with your friendly Retrain Osteos!) to develop a diagnosis and management plan, to get you back to netball.
This is the process of rehabilitation and it blends in really nicely (towards the end stages) into S&C – in developing and returning the physical properties required for your sport. Rehabilitation programs are typically delivered by allied health professionals (Osteopath, Physiotherapist, Exercise Physiology, Chiropractor, Occupational Therapists and others!)
3. Personal Training – is the process of developing and facilitating safe and effective exercise programs for the delivery to the general public.
A personal trainer will typically take you through some form of exercise program, with or without specific goals, unrelated to sports performance or injury rehabilitation, aimed to improve your general physical fitness. Personal trainers require a certificate in fitness to deliver the above programs and they are typically governed by Fitness Australia or Physical Activity Australia.
So that’s a little rundown on the differences between a few health and fitness appointment types and the professionals that provide them!
To simplify things:
If you’ve got an injury – see a health professional (eg an Osteo!)
If you’re wanting to improve specific sports performance – see an S&C coach!
If you’re wanting help with general health and fitness – see a personal trainer!

Retrain Health is based in the Northern Rivers, NSW. From our Byron Bay and Ballina clinics, our team provides a range of quality healthcare services and products.
Retrain Health offers osteopathy, remedial massage and strength and conditioning, and PT sessions with qualified practitioners.
If you are interested in finding out more information or would like to book an appointment, please contact the clinic by phone (02) 6680 7447, send us an email or click here to book an appointment online.